Based on the Braneworld Theory, Humanity has managed to build bridges between different universes. It's just not our humanity.

Earth One and Two unite to colonize every following Iteration of their planets, to build an empire to rule them all. Not everything works out well, of course. Earth 5 is half destroyed, forcing them to adjust to new modes of transport. To quell any rebellions, One starts to develop a method of genetic modification - a plan to unite them all, allow reproduction between iterations and to surpress old cultures. With each new iteration, people from all prior worlds are chosen to move there. Two uses these transfers to isolate political disidents from their usual environments. This fragile, violent empire starts to crumble as they reach the 9th earth - humanity's home.

A failed arrival lead to a wave of alien viruses killing a lot of Nine's fauna and flora - humanity included. While a secretive mission, codename Nomos, ended up taking 2000 people into space, with another 6000 embroys frozen, most of humanity on earth 9 itself died. This meant that the work for One and Two usually relied on was missing, forcing them to move more people from prior iterations than usual. One of the last humans left, Dina, ends up captured by one of the first groups of new earthlings, and becomes the core of a renowned scientist's work. But after many unsucessful attempts at modifying her DNA, there are doubts humanity can join the gene pool at all... Up until Dina dissapears and closes that door completely.

35 years later, Eliora Neoma realizes that his mother, the self proclaimed last human, Dina, has lied to him about the complexity of the empire's history and politics, as well as about his own father. Raised to kill, Eli was primed for revenge, but meeting other earthlings, a new plan develops. Battling with both hopelessness and newfound purpose, he joins a group of people from nearly every iteration with a lofty goal - stop the construction of the next gate to a new earth and destroy the empire.

240 years after the fall of the empire, a young woman escape Three and joins a pirate crew of her

600 years after the fall of the empire, the descendents of Nomos have turned into a tyranial space force. While preaching about justice, they demand the planet of the Six, the doshul, one of the few earthlings currently not in a coalition, as they do not want to return to Nine, which has become a rather harsh landscape after the war of independence. Ozias, former soldier for the Nomos, leaves the shipstate to become a field doctor, in an attempt to repent. Here he meets Amanaki, child of a high ranking doshul military leader, who has also decided to take up medicine to escape home.






Multiverse Guys

Arsonists AU: Fireflies in your Guts